Finnish Black Metal. Their second album from 2004.
Behexen took its form in 94 when Torog (vocals), Horns (drums) & Reaper (guitars) formed the band. Black metal was the keyword since the very first day! The first demo “Reality is in evil…” saw the moonlight in 95, the second demo “Eternal Realm” in 97 and the third demo “Blessed be the darkness” in 98. At this point Reaper left the band. For his replacement Behexen took Gargantum in guitar and Lunatic in bass in order to do liverituals. “Blessed be the darkness” brought forth the deal from Sinister Figure and the debut album “Rituale Satanum” was recorded in summer 99. Due to countless problems the band drifted away from the rip-off label and waited 3 years to get that deal to expire. During this period Veilroth joined in for 2nd guitar. This line-up has lasted up till today. After this Behexen signed the deal with the Finnish Woodcut Records in May 2003. The second full-length album “By the Blessing of Satan” was recorded in May 2003. Behexen is and will be BLACK METAL in its blackest and rawest form!
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