Mephistofeles - Barely Alive (Testpressing)
Mephistofeles - Music is Poison (Testpressing)
Mephistofeles - Whore (Testpressing)
Mephistofeles - Werewolf Boogie 7"EP (Testpressing)
Ragnarok - Blackdoor Miracle LP (Testpress)
Ragnarok - Collectors of the King LP (Testpress)
Eucharist - Mirrorworlds LP (Testpress)
Amon Acid - Cosmogony 2xLP (Testpress)
Fulanno / The Crooked Whispers - Last Call from Hell LP (Testpress)
Ofermod - Mysterium Iniquitatis LP (Testpress)
Sahara - III: Hell on Earth LP (Testpress)
Lord Belial - The Seal of Belial LP (Testpress)
Eucharist - A Velvet Creation LP (Testpress)
Algaion - Oimai Algeiou LP (Testpress)
Fulanno - Nadie Esta a Salvo Del Mal LP (Testpress)
Majestic Mass - Destroys Minds & Rapes Souls LP (Testpress)
Uppåt Väggarna - Jag Hatar Politik LP (Testpress)
Ultra Silvam - The Sanctity of Death LP (Testpress)
Necromantical Invocation - Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie LP (Testpressing)
Coprophilia - The Demo Collection 1991-1992 LP (Testpressing)
Lord Belial - Nocturnal Beast LP (Testpressing)
Ragnarok - In Nomine Satanas LP (Testpressing)
Lord Belial - The Black Curse LP (Testpressing)
Ofermod - Ofermodian Litanies LP (Testpressing)
Mephistofeles - Violent Theatre LP (Testpressing)
Lord Belial - Revelation (The 7th Seal) LP (Testpressing)
Ritual Death - Ritual Death LP (Testpressing)
Mephistofeles - Devotional Doom 2xLP (White Vinyl) (Testpressing)
Mephistofeles - Devotional Doom 2xLP (Red Vinyl) (Testpressing)
Amon Acid - Paradigm Shift LP (Testpressing)
Neil Merryweather - Space Rangers LP (Testpressing)
Neil Merryweather - Kryptonite LP (Testpressing)
Lunar Funeral - Sex on a Grave LP (Testpressing)
Lunar Funeral - Road to Siberia 2xLP (Testpressing)
Voodus / Domgård - Ginnungagap / Ljungeld Över Människan LP (Testpressing)
Nefandus - The Nightwinds Carried Our Names LP (Testpressing)
Hinsides - Under Betlehems brinnande stjärna LP (Testpressing)
The Crooked Whispers - Dead Moon Night mini-LP (Testpressing)
The Crooked Whispers - Satanic Melodies LP (Testpressing)
Lord Mortvm - Diabolical Omen of Hell LP (Testpressing)
Fulanno - Hash Nego en las Misas Funebres LP (Testpressing)
Hellhammer - Triumph of Death PIC-LP
Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon PIC-LP
Cavurn - Rehearsal MC
Wishbone Ash – Fighters & Warriors CD
Hellhammer – Satanic Rites CD
Hellhammer – Triumph of Death CD
Malum - Awakening of the Black Flame TAPE
Tomb Mold – Primordial Malignity LP (Orange Vinyl)
Tomb Mold – The Bottomless Perdition + The Moulting LP (Clear Vinyl)
Sadistik Exekution - 30 Years of Agonizing the Dead LP
Abruptum - In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, In Aeternum In Triumpho LP (Red Vinyl)
Murder Corporation / Vomitory - Split 7"EP
In Aeternum - Demon Possession PIC 7"EP
Tiamat – Sumerian Cry CD
Grave – Dominion VIII LP
Grave – Burial Ground LP
God Macabre – The Winterlong CD
Slayer – Decade Of Aggression Live 2xCD
Mefisto - The Truth CD
Overkill – ReliXIV CD (Japanese Pressing)
Arcturus – Constellation CD
In Flames – Subterranean Boxset CD
In Flames – Lunar Strain Boxset CD
Excretion – Voice Of Harmony CD
Unanimated – In The Light Of Darkness CD
Bewitched – Atrocities In A Minor PIC-LP
Dismember - Pieces Digi-CD
Dismember - Dismember PIC-LP
Nifelheim – Devil's Force CD
Dissection - The Somberlain 2xCD
Marduk - Strigzscara LP