HELTER SKELTER PRODUCTIONS (distributed & marketed by REGAIN RECORDS) is proud to present CONTAMINAZIONE's striking debut mini-album, Pericolo Di Morte, on CD and 12" vinyl formats.
CONTAMINAZIONE may sound Italian in name and most definitely in sound, but the instrumental trio actually hail from Sweden: drummer Mikal Styrke and keyboardist Sofia Rydahl did time in occult rockers Gravmaskin while bassist Staffan Tengnér concurrently does time in such traditional metal-oriented bands as Century and Tøronto. With such a setup, it's suiting that CONTAMINAZIONE follow the dark & luminous steps of Italian progressive giants Goblin and Il Roveschio della Medaglia as well as horror soundtrack maestro Fabio Frizzi, legendary for the soundtracks to The Beyond, City of the Living Dead, Zombie Flesh Eaters, and many others. It's eerily uncanny how era- and aura-authentic the band's Pericolo Di Morte debut is; the five-song/23-minute record magically transports the listener to a different time and a VERY different place, with Rydahl's spectral synths leading the narrative to jaw-dropping effect. Shimmering and sensual but not without the suggestion of menace - who knows what lurks in those shadows? - the trio's first recorded statement soundly marks CONTAMINAZIONE as a contender in the retro-prog resurgence.
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