Gatefold Double LP (brown vinyl) version:
-double LP in noble gatefold printed on 350gsm paper
-brown vinyl (limited to 100 copies)
HELTER SKELTER PRODUCTIONS (distributed & marketed by REGAIN RECORDS) is proud LUNAR FUNERAL’s highly anticipated second album, Road to Siberia, on CD, vinyl LP, and cassette tape formats.
Hailing from St. Petersburg, Russia’s LUNAR FUNERAL are aptly named: their bluesy, psych-drenched doom ROCK walks along the edge of the cosmos with preternatural ability. A proud power-duo – yes, DUO – the band effortlessly lumber along with a gait that’s almost alarmingly laissez faire...but that’s merely a sonic deception, for LUNAR FUNERAL hypnotize whether the amps are cranked to 11 or dipping below a flatline.
Their under-the-radar debut Sex on a Grave came in 2017, and now arrives the even-stouter and stultifying Road to Siberia. Here, LUNAR FUNERAL evince a creepier crawl, dialing back the intensity more often than not to allow the tension to simmer and then explode in a kaleidoscope of blinding blacklight. Locked-in yet loose, the duo’s dynamics reach a fever pitch here, spanning both shimmering garage and opulent abyss alike. Their spare, Spartan guitar sounds emit a large part of that spectrum – spooky Spaghetti Western one track, occult goth on another, space jams running through it all – but credit is equally due to the deft drumming, a skeletal heartbeat that magickally goes everywhere and nowhere at once. Road to Siberia is thus a lot to take in, but also not: its strident simplicity of form serves as a landscape in which the imagination is free to roam, wide and wild and wonderful and WEIRD. LUNAR FUNERAL, more than ever, aren’t your everyday choc-a-bloc stoner/doom band.
To coincide with the brave new step forward that is Road to Siberia, HELTER SKELTER will be reissuing (on a much wider scale) the band’s aforementioned Sex on a Grave debut. Two trips, infinite possibilities: hitch a ride with LUNAR FUNERAL!
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289,00 krPrice
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